09 September 2009

What is depression?

NOTE: ( If you don't understand some words then you can search for them in Google Web Search Box)


Depression is having a relation with anxiety like a brother and sister relation.
Depression is a state of disorder which effects how you eat, your sleep and every aspect of your life. 
A person who is depressed can be identified very easily from his change in behavior.
Depression can't be gained by your will and can't be left with your own wish.
There are a lot of kinds of depression but the three of them are the major ones:
  1. Major Depression
  2. Dysthymia
  3. Bipolar disorder
A person who is victim of depression can't get out of it without proper medical assistance and help and can remain in the state of depression for month and maybe for some years.
Many people focus on the medicine way to cure the depression but psychotherapy plays the most important part in curing the depression.

Well if you are curious and want to know that are you having depression or not then below is given the symptoms of Depression.


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