15 September 2009

Types of Anxiety

NOTE: ( If you don't understand some words then you can search for them in Google Web Search Box)


  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
  2. Panic Disorder.
  3. Specific Phobia.
  4. Social Anxiety Disorder. 
  5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
  6. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  7. Separation Anxiety Disorder.
  8. Agoraphobia.
  9. Postpartum Anxiety (anxiety after pregnancy).

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):
As it's name suggests. It is related to general anxiety, no matter how happy the environment is around the patient, the patient still is a lot worried and has fear that some thing bad will happen. For instance if your child is playing around and he is perfectly healthy, you will still have feeling of that he is not good in health or maybe something bad will happen with him.
In other words you are always at the negative thinking, this kind of anxiety doesn't require any kind of happening to provoke it, it exists there without any reason. It's one of uncontrollable anxiety types.

    Panic Disorder:
    It's another type of anxiety which is the famous one, in this kind of type the patient have repeatedly attacks of panic, it can be explained as that if you are in your room and you stand up, suddenly you have feeling of getting faint,choke, there is a damn big headache, you feel like that you are going to die or you have situation of like a heart attack, then what do you think this is, it's nothing else but a panic attack which is known as panic disorder.
    Specific Phobia:
    This is different from other types of anxiety as in this type you know about your fears, they are not unknown to you. Examples of specific phobia can be, you are afraid of snakes,spiders,height, or anything that makes you afraid that much which is above the normal level of fear is known as specific phobia. This kind of phobia can effect your day to day life and can make you live that life which you don't want to as you are afraid of facing your phobias.

    Social Anxiety Disorder: 

    This kind of anxiety actually comes under the phobias category, social anxiety disorder is also an anxiety form and is sometimes known as social phobia. This type of anxiety is the most common and those who are suffering are told by other people that they lack confidence but actually it's not the case of confidence. Those who are facing social anxiety or social phobia are afraid to go relaxed in public places, they are afraid to speak in public, they are afraid of doing anything in front of others as they are afraid to get judged by others. So what they decide is to avoid such kind of situations, as they have fear that if they go in public they will get embarrassed or they will face some kind of situation in which they will not be comfortable.

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD):  

    This type of anxiety is of the recurring feature, the patient who suffers from OCD always have thoughts and fears of something that keeps on coming to there mind and make them do those things again and again for countless times. For instance the patient suffering from this type of anxiety will wash his or her hands repeatedly, they will confirm thousands of  times that is the door locked properly, is the oven off, are the unnecessary lights switched off etc. The patient in OCD state faces a lot of problem and they know about their problem themselves but still due to the recurring images,thoughts,impulses, they get no other choice but to do it.

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):  

    This type of anxiety is due to a traumatic and/or a terrifying event, and the condition that is developed in the patient is due to that event that has happened with the patient in past, e-g a sexual assault, death of a loved one, natural disaster, terrorist activities or any kind of happening that has happened in the past with the patient can develop PTSD. The patient has nightmares and flash backs of that event which has occurred with him/her. And all these frightening and unforgettable thoughts makes the patient numb.

    Separation Anxiety Disorder:

    This type of anxiety is found in about 7 percent adults and 4 percent children. Patient suffering from separation anxiety disorder is always worried and have thoughts on his/her mind about the loved one from one he got separated and this highly influences his/her day to day life, unable to sleep easily or always day dreaming. Separation anxiety is one of those anxieties that are found to be easy to make patient agree with you that he is suffering from separation anxiety disorder.
    remember not to mix it with separation anxiety which is found in children.

    This is a condition in which the patient has fear to go out in public or to those places where there is little chances of escape when you feel anxious or have a panic attack, e-g crowded places, he or she avoids to go as they are afraid of panic attack and have fear of embarrassment which they might face, the sufferer feels that if he or she will go to that place to which he or she is unfamiliar, they will face embarrassment and will have a feeling that will make them uncomfortable with that environment. 
    For instance you have to go to a party where there will be a lot of people here and there and there will also be dinner to serve, you might have the fear that you don't choke the food, not to make noise with the knife or spoon while eating, how to eat a dish which is unknown to you, what to wear for the party and all those thoughts that can cause panic attack. Due to this fear you will stop going to places and will like to live alone in home. This type of anxiety is also a phobia.

    Postpartum Anxiety (anxiety after pregnancy): 
    Care towards the new born baby is found in mothers after the birth of the child but that care and fear toward their child is to a limit, and when it exceeds it reaches to postpartum anxiety, postpartum anxiety is not only related towards their own child but also the worries towards their own self increase. They starts to worry about a lot of things and are always anxious. This type of anxiety can lead the woman to agoraphobia or panic attacks. These attacks can come at any time in any place and are of severe kind. Many women feel especially nervous, agitated, apprehensive and tense because they fear another attack.
    But it is important to know that if you had just one panic attack it doesn't mean that you have postpartum anxiety.The reason to this anxiety disorder is not clear some says that it is due to the genetics of the women and they develop it on their own, while there are some who claims that it is due  the additional activity in the noradrenergic and serotenergic systems in brains. There are some who says that it is due to the extra stress that the woman faces after the child birth and then she goes into the web of anxiety.
    Well there are a lot of claims but no one knows which is the right one or all those all true or not, maybe some day we will get to know.





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